salt & cedar healing arts


Everyone deserves to feel at peace in their body.

If you are experiencing chronic or acute pain and feeling overwhelmed, anxious, and looking for a new way to feel better - you've come to the right place.

You are welcome here, and I believe in you.


The wound is the place where the Light enters you.




1:1 Energy Healing

Intuitive Healing Sessions

A unique blend of Reiki energy healing, guided meditations, +/- the use of healing crystals delivered in person one-on-one sessions. Treatments can help with physical, emotional, and spiritual manifestations of stress, anxiety, poor sleep and more.

Reiki is used in hospitals and hospices all over the world alongside modern practices.

Treatment sessions are also available for children and infants.

Sessions run for 45-60 minutes and can be purchased in packages for a reduced per session price.

1:1 Bodywork


This hands on gentle technique works on the connective tissues to address imbalances, pain, and/or restriction anywhere in the body. 

Originating in Australia in the 1980's, Bowen Therapy is becoming recognized as one of the most effective holistic therapies for many common ailments. 

By addressing the body's natural healing systems through the fascia, Bowen can help improve: 

  • Back and neck pain,

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Hip, knee, ankle problems

  • Sciatica

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Digestive issues

  • Menstrual and reproductive system disorders.

...and more!

Group Offerings

Monthly gatherings

Unique meditation groups designed for all levels and all humans held monthly at the Full Moon and other seasonal shifts. Co-created + facilitated with Denise Elysa.

Located in South Delta

Click here for more information.

Group Offerings

mindful movement classes

Join us for an intimate group class where we will explore a deeper connection with our bodies through different gentle and mindful movement practices including Somatics, Qi Gong, breathwork and more. 

Energy Healing

Intuitive Animal Healing

All species are welcome to receive a calming and healing session. Animals are so sensitive to this beautiful energy and it can help heal many physical and emotional pains. I use Reiki and meridian massage techniques as well as my extensive knowledge as a previous veterinary technician to work with all species in a respectful manner.

  • Reiki is never to be used as a substitute for Veterinary medicine.

let's get to work

Ready to start feeling your best? Book now or send a message to get started on your path to wellness for your whole being.